Friday, May 4, 2012

Remember when

Today I thought it would be a good day to think about the things I miss. The things I used to have and do that I no longer can. Everyone has things they miss, so here are some of mine:

1) Security

This is my nephew and dad... Note the bike. My dad made it himself. I miss this. I miss knowing my dad was riding right behind me, ready to pick me up when I fall. It is something we take for granted when we are younger. Those pesky parents that wont get out of your business. But honestly, they just want the best for you. And even more, they want everything for you. The security a parent brings is like nothing else you can ever feel. Just think about it. They would do anything for you. They will go to the moon and back. Empty out a bank account and give their life for you. Your parents might not always have a lot of money, but they always have a lot of love. And that is something you shouldn't take for granted. I look back now and wish I would have understood this earlier.

2) Cheerleading

So here is the thing with cheerleading. It isn't that I miss being a cheerleader. High school did a pretty good job of helping me hate the title cheerleader. But the cheerleading itself I miss. Throwing girls in the air. Testing your ability on a daily basis. Throwing your body around only to hope you land on the ground feet down. Gosh it is a good feeling. A lot of people give cheerleaders a hard time. I completely agree with them that it isn't a sport. But honestly I wouldn't want cheerleading to be a sport. The whole point of it is to be on a team and never work as one. In cheerleading you are all on your own, you determine your greatness. You bust a tumbling pass and your teammate cant run up beside you to correct it. Cheerleading was a fight that I didn't mind having and one I often wish I still did. Yes, I do stop and stare in awe when EPSN plays Worlds. 

3) Lack of fear

When we are young our biggest fear is not being popular. And at the time, that fear is huge. But as I've grown up I have started to realize there are a lot of things to fear in this world. On some level I think we need fear. We need to be scared, it helps us take risk and learn life lessons. But some times the fear is overwhelming. And you don't really know how much there will be until it is all here. One day I woke up and all the fear just hit me in the face. Good morning Shelby here is a freezing cold pale of fear water, let me pour it on your face. So now I fear. I fear where I will be come August. I fear how I will pay my rent and student loans. I fear that I can make something of myself and that one day someone will like me. There is a lot of fear out there and to be completely honest I would trade it all in to be the unpopular kid.

4)Sleep overs

More than anything in the whole world I miss sleep overs. High school sleep overs were the 15 of us would pile into my small house, lay on mounds of blankets, and watch FRIENDS all night long. At the time we thought my sister was really nice and would bring up to get What-A-Burger every morning... now we know she was hung over. But sleepovers are just so great. So carefree and fun. Last year I begged my roommate to have a sleepover in the living room with me. I offered the couch for her because I love the floor! She said no. Well really she said yes and then snuck out in the middle of the night! Gosh do I miss sleepovers. Honestly they may be the best indication of being a girl and being young. You can bet your bottom dollar when I'm older I will have sleepovers equipped with cocktails and pajamas.

5) Dreams

I don't miss this the most, but I truly do miss it. When you are younger you can dream so big. You don't have to worry about failing, anything you can think can happen. But as you get older, like I have said before, you have to throw away dreams and start working towards reality. As a child you are so naive, but it is such a good thing. Being naive as a child means you want to one day strive. Being naive as an adult says you need to grow up. But growing up is hard and scary. Dreaming is so simple and fool proof. The time when you realize you can't be anything you want and have to be the thing that you are comes out of no where. And frankly it's terrifying.

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