Monday, May 14, 2012

The end of a semester

My bags are packed and my finals over with (they may not be the best but they are done). And as I sit here, trying to find time to fill my final days in Lubbock before my trip to London, I start to look back on this year. I feel thus far this has been the biggest year of growing for me. I've learned some things I can no longer do, and some that I hope to keep working on. But I think it is good some times to go through and evaluate the things you may have over looked during the busy days of work, school, internships and just a little fun.

So here are some of the things I have learned this year:

1) You CAN do too much
Now this is one I have yet to finish figuring out. But I can now say that this year I did too much. Going to classes, working for a magazine, interning with KISS, being involved in two clubs and working at FOX was a little too much. Though I managed to survive, it wasn't easy. And I started to realize at the end of it all that maybe giving yourself an hour or two a day to breath is even kind of healthy. Who would have thought? Going back I maybe would have said no to a few things. Though saying no really sucks. I always felt guilty, which is why I was in the position I was in. 

2) You don't always get out what you put in
It was a hard hitting truth when I finally came to the realization that my so far "dream job" doesn't really think I'm a dream worker. Honestly, I'm starting to think they see me as some what of a joke. It is hard to know you gave a company your all and they can really give you nothing in return. I didn't want to believe it, even spent nights crying over it. But perhaps this is my beginning to a new chapter, there will be a news station that wants me as bad as I want them. The problem with a new chapter is the page before is blank and full of uncertainty. 

3) Finding your thing helps
Everyone has that one thing, it helps them mellow out and allows for a small mental break. For me it is writing. Something I have always loved but strayed from lately just to get by. Which brings up part two of finding your thing. When you find your thing don't lose it because you think you need something else. I halted writing because I thought being a journalist was more important. Funny thing about it, I became a journalist so I could write. Finding that happy medium and keeping the thing you love in the trade you work is difficult but obtainable.

4)Some times things don't go your way
Okay, I know this is hard to understand. At least it was for me. But some times... things don't work out. I hate to admit this because I wanted more than anything for every last hope of mine to work out. But some times they just don't. And when they don't you kind of have to man up and deal with it. Some times I need to stop and take a breath, something I refuse to do in most situations. This year has taught me that no matter how hard I try or how upset I get some times things are out of my hands. Now this trick is learning how to not grasp for them anyways.

5) Waiting does pay off
This has perhaps been my biggest realization because it ties together quite a few things. I have always thought things are definite. You want a job and it isn't ope you wont get it, you like a guy and he is taken you will never have a shot. I have now been proved wrong. And for good reason! I didn't think it would happen, but finally something I wanted came around. And that something began testing my ability to wait every single day. As frustrated as I sometimes get, I always end up smirking at the thought of waiting. For once I can say my waiting has paid off, even once it ends because I can now understand that patience is key. And that time you wait for something you really don't think will come, perhaps that is the time where waiting is best rewarded. 

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