Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day One

Today marks the start of my London blog adventure. It will track my days here starting with number one:

Wow, I'm finally in London! I never thought the time would truly come. Sure I have spent weeks packing and preparing while trying to rush through finals, but this is insane!

It took me the entire first day to actually understand I was not in Texas any more. Seeing the London Tower and the London Eye all lit up really did it for me. But the more I let my surroundings set in and get used to my new life for the next 11 days I'm starting to realize just how wonderful this place is.

The most wonderful difference so far are the people. They are just like us in every way, yet the exact opposite at the same time. For instance, their beauty. They are all beautiful. It's like walking in a constant runway show, except you are 5 foot 2 and don't have bone structure so pristine it could cut glass... they do. I can't even decide what it is that makes them so beautiful. In most ways they look just like us, but everything is enhanced. 

And these people, they are so fit. It make sense because they walk everywhere, though today I saw a guy order a two course meal in Starbucks. If someone from the states did that everyone would look at them like they were mad.
Also, did I mention their speech? Once you "mind the gap" in translation and get around the barrier of calling a trashcan a rubbish basket you see how beautiful their speech is. They speak with such thought, every sentence complied with care and mind of what exactly they want to say.

Coming to London the last thing I was expecting to be so intrigued by were the people. So many times I was told "They are just like me," and "There wont be any difference besides the accent." Boy were those people wrong. The British are fantastic.

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