Friday, May 25, 2012

Pee to pay, Paris and Priorities

So some times you walk through a park and see this:

And then some times you go to a restroom because you need to pee and have to pay like this:

Tomorrow is Paris! I cant wait to see it all. I wish there was more time but I'm so happy to get the experience at all.

Today we had a speaker who made me think maybe I really do want to consider moving here after school. Obviously it is a huge decision and one talk would never sell me, but it seems like something that I might truly like. This place is just so amazing.

How could you not want to be somewhere that media surrounds you? That is why we are in the field of communications.

I cant say that I see myself riding the tube every day, or even being able to adapt to their accents... and lets be honest, I will never look the correct way down these streets without second guessing myself. But this place is pretty awesome. And we are only young once. They always say we are supposed to move somewhere crazy and make something of ourselves. It's just about my time.

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