Saturday, May 5, 2012

To the nights that make up days like this

So today is cinco de mayo... and my day is scheduled to a T with no time to celebrate. See, there is this time in everyones life where this funny thing called growing up happens. We have all these great years of partying and making memories, then all of the sudden we have to change. 

I love where I am now, though I loved where I was when I was having those times too. There are a few that stick out still today. They were the days or nights that were so good you wont ever forget (if you remember to begin with). This will forever be the most unprofessional blog I do, but some times we have to remember the memories that should never be talked about again.

I know what you are thinking, Clearly with a picture of a star fish, I'm going to talk about some crazy beach adventure. But, this story has nothing to do with a beach. It does however, have everything to do with a car, and a very awkward first impression. It was my junior year of college, and we were spending the night at the best "water" bar in town, CACTUS. My friend Molly, who had drank no "water" that night, went to go pick someone up. I knew in my heart it was the best idea for me to go with her. The thing about Molly's care is that the seats in the back folded up so it was one big trunk. Well clearly one big trunk was the perfect place for me to lay out and scream "Play the best party some ever!!" By the way, that song was Stock Yards. Not such the party song after all. Though this position I was in... not the prettiest thing. And definitely not appropriate to meet a guy for the first time in. But as he climbed into the front seat, what did he see? Me... flat on my back... arms spread... and legs too. Molly's only words "What are you doing star fishing in my car?"

Though, like every college story, it wouldn't end with just one part. No no. This night was full of adventure.

Ever heard of Ke$ha? Well I had, and boy did I that night. Bought her whole album off iTunes. Thought it was the best idea of my life. Realized it was not a good idea when I saw the $20 charge the next morning, okay I bought more than one of her albums. I bought every Ke$ha song on iTunes. Sue me. But those songs got us through the pre party. Dancing around an apartment like a wild woman was one of the best moments of my college days. Even better was that one of our friends RKelly, yes the famous rapper, was dancing right along with me.

See I have this signature move, its called the white girl dance. Boy could I rock that move with a few shots of "water" in me. And though that dance was nice, the worst, but probably best, parts of the night was the part I don't remember. Getting home and getting to bed. To understand I must start when I woke up. 

My eyes open to pounding light. I'm uncomfortable and kind of confused. All the workings for a great night right? It isn't until I see my boots... wait my boots? I'm in bed. I feel around. My dress. I'm in my dress.

NOOOO I thought... I missed Low-Hoops!!!!! (Low-Hoops was the party I went to that night, the tickets were kind of expensive so clearly I couldn't miss it) That would be a party fowl.

I frantically jolt out of bed only to catch my bowl of spaghetti just in time. Wait? Spaghetti? Why was there spaghetti you may ask? Good thing when I used to drink "water" I would always end the night making a meal, and never eating it. It never failed, I would fall asleep upright in my bed with the food perfectly in place. Woke up that way too. 

See, this is embarrassing, but I don't mind embarrassing myself when there is a meaning behind it. And I think this is the perfect time. We do these things because we think it is fun. And frankly it is. But one day we do have to stop doing them. One day it is no longer okay to be drunk at 11 or go out in public wearing shacking clothes. One day we have to grow up. Not that we have to stop having fun, but it is called college for a reason. It is the time we can get away with acting like a kid when we really should be adults. It is the time that we should live it up, and have days like cinco de mayo.

One day our nights at Cactus will turn into one margarita after work, or a glass of wine with dinner. I can't say I'm upset about this, because I'm not. Frankly my body can't handle Cactus like it used too. But fun does change when you grow older, even though we aren't that old.

To those of you who aren't doing adult things today, I hope you have a blast. Have it for those of us who no longer do, because one day you wont want to either any more, (or more accurately you wont be allowed to) but you will never forget the times you did.

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