Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You can cry or you can laugh, no body cares

Today I'm going to give you a little lesson in love. Well, really losing love.

My oldest friend (truly, we were introduced at three months or something crazy like that) came to me upset about a recent break up. Now I'm not one to tell it like it is, but lets be honest, at this point in time if he doesn't want to hear it from me then he wont want to hear it from anyone. 

So I went for it. I let him know how it really is. 

I see so many people upset about getting dumped, they lost the LOVE of their lives... they cant go on. News flash! If they were the love of your life they wouldn't have left. 

And now you are probably saying, "Shelby, please, it isn't always that easy." 

But really, it is. 

See, people make relationships so difficult. They try to act like things have to be complicated to have a pay off in the end. That just isn't true. A real relationship should be simple. It should be easy. It should be perfect.

My friend was moping around like someone stole his favorite pair of shoes (lets be honest, you should be more upset about that than being dumped). When someone steals your shoes they aren't ever coming back. Someone can't steal you heart. Last time I checked it was inside your chest, behind your ribs, surrounded by some nasty looking veins. Try to steal that and see how it goes.

So finally I had to tell him just how things were. 

Think of it this way. If you tried so hard, put so much effort into a relationship where you were not given it back, think of how wonderful it will be when you are. 

And another thing. Why are you acting sad when you could be happy? Seeing my friend so sad made me angry. Why are you being sad? What is the point? Right, there isn't one. Sorry to say but if someone didn't care enough to stick around they aren't going to care that you are upset. It really only effects you to be sad. It only brings you down. Only makes you look weak.

You know what works? Smiling that gloomy world in the face and saying "I'm just fine thank you!"

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