Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DAY FOUR: Be good and bring good

There will come a time in life where you realize all you really need to do is be good (says the 21 year old who has it all figured out...) You need to be good for yourself, for those around you, for those you love, and those you hate. You need to be good because being good will get you far. 

I try very hard to be good in all aspects of my life. I want to surround myself with good people. Eat good. Do good work. And just be good. 

But being good is hard. No one is perfect, I can vouch for that. The more I try to be good the less I really am. Over my own journey to enhance these traits I have begun to understand that all it boils down to is why be something else if you can just be good?

Like when I eat a sweet. I could have just eaten an apple. But that browny sounded so much better. Until I ate it. I could have easily said no thank you. Stepped away and done some crunches, but instead I ate the browny only to stew in anger about it after. I hate eating brownies. Their tasty flaky top layer just thin enough to make you want the soft inner filling. And don't even get my started on the edges. If I could eat the edges of every browny pan in the world... Well, I would not fit into any of my jeans and my cholesterol would be high as a kite. Which is why I HATE eating sweets. 

This battle of self control is painful, and frustrating. The payoff is worth it though. And there are things that can help. 

By being good for myself I seem to attract others who can be good for me too. People who make me feel great, and do kind things, speak kind words. These people are good. It was hard to let them be good at first. Trust me, I'd do everything by myself if I could. Some times though, you have to find good in someone else to remember the good in yourself. There are people that want to help. People that truly care. Those people are good.

When I work good I feel good. It is so accomplishing to hear someone say you have produced a good story. Not too long ago someone was speaking of one of my stories without knowing it was me. This feeling will never leave me. I sat in silence loving the feeling it gave me. Loving that I knew just one person had learned from what I said. It may have been about boat safety, but I bet he wont wade the water next time I brings that jet ski out. 

And when I eat good, and do good for my body, I look good. The confidence you get from giving your body a healthy chance, and the results. There is a saying "Nothing taste as good as skinny feels," I hate to give in to this motto, but it is true. Not that you need to starve yourself. Not at all. But doing good for your body feels so nice. You have more energy. you are confident in your clothing choices. Everything seems to be good when you know you are making good choices. 

So here is my ramble of the day. Be good. Do good. Feel good.

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