Monday, September 24, 2012

DAY TWO: Friends are the family you find

There is this thing called friends, and frankly they are a life line. But it is really hard to find the right ones, and even more difficult to let go of the wrong. 

I have been lucky enough to have two amazing sets of friends in my time. Those who I had when I was younger, and those I have now. These friends didn't come easy, but I can say with confidence they wont leave easily either.

I'm really good at shutting people out. I'm one of those who, the moment you burn me in any way you are out. I don't give second changes, and I don't care to hear an excuse. I'll be your biggest fan, and try my hardest to understand and listen to every problem you have, but once you cross that line. I'm over it.

This hasn't always been the case. No no, I used to try very hard to be a great friend to everyone. I wanted nothing more than for everyone to like me. I had to be the one people called, I wanted to be invited to every party. 

The thing is, that gets you no where. When you try your best to be the best you end up all alone. Which is why now I come off cold on this matter. It isn't out of lacking feelings, it's simply lacking need.

See, once you get older you start to understand it is in your best interest to find a few people who would give the world for you instead of giving your world to everyone else. 

Don't get me wrong. I am completely open to meeting new people. I would love to invite others in. But in most cases people are only curious, they don't truly care. Me included. Everyone knows the kind. There are the people who are great to go out with, but if you don't go out you aren't on their mind. Those who call when they need something. This is a great thing to be that go to girl, but it isn't because they consider you a true friend its because you are good with words. And then there are the infamous fren-emies, lets be honest, we all know they aren't true anythings. 

It is hard to find people who really would lay down their time for you, so why do we spend so much of ours trying to get to know these people? I'm not saying to walk around town like you own the place. Don't be the prick who refuses to speak to anyone (no body likes that girl). At the same time though, don't give your all to those who wont give anything to you. 

Finding true friends takes time. And it takes being a true friend as well. But there are people out there who will help you brush your teeth after throwing up on your 21st birthday so you have good breath at the bar. They will tell a boy no to a date so they can watch movies with you all weekend long. Blow up your inbox, email and facebook with stupid Pintertest pins, because to y'all the aren't stupid they are real life. And they will be there when you cry, sit up all night listening to your problems, then lay down on the floor next to you when you are too weak to stand on your own. 

These are the people you make fun of to their face. These are the people you call bad names because you know they wont leave. These are the girls who's clothes you put on then send the "Borrowing this" text. These are true friends, the most rare gift a girl can be given.

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