Thursday, September 27, 2012

DAY FIVE: Always find the best in yourself

I am one to say, finding the best in yourself is hard. As humans we tend to lean away from the things we are good at. We want others to say we are good only to deny it. We want to be noticed but feel awkward when we are.

This is something I encourage you to break free of. Know your strengths and go with them.

There are two very prominent moments in my life that have shaped who I am in this aspect.

1) That day after cheer practice.

One day after cheer practice at Cheer Station I was having a mental break down. I can't remember exactly what it was but I know I was upset and I kept saying I wasn't good enough. Shocker, this is the theme song of my life. But this time it was different. This time my mom looked at me and said "Shelby, you know those moms at the gym? They tell me every day how lucky their daughters are to be around you. They look up to you." Now she is my mom, so she was probably being a bit exuberant. None the less I realized something that day. I was good at being a protector. It is my thing. I protect those I love, and I do it intensely. I'm not one to speak out, but when I had to watch my poor baby Freshmen cheerleaders cry in high school I took note and changed things. And when I know my roommates are in danger of an un-locked door, I make sure it is fixed. I'm not the coolest friend, I'm not the smartest, but if I care for you, you can guarantee you are in safe hands.

2) That day my teacher said I can write.

When I was in 3rd grade my favorite teacher of all times (Mrs. Lumbrano) had her second baby. It was right during TAKS Testing. She had always told us, "You take all the time in the world to do a test. No one is worth rushing for." That year I made sure to be the very last one in all of Wells Branch Elementary to finish. And boy did it pay off. I got a 100, and in return she came to the class just to tell me. She pulled me aside and said "You are a great writer Shelby, you will do wonderful things." I have had a lot of negative motivation in my life. Sure it would be great for some of those people who said I couldn't do it turn on their TV to my face and see that I did. But there is nothing more satisfying than living a dream someone said you could. Mrs. Lumbrano fueled my fire. She made me want to succeed. She cared when no one really needed too. She read my every word to every Harry Potter book when she knew I couldn't. She made me see my talent, and for her I will go far.

Everyone has a greatness, everyone is good at something. Find your greatness and be the best at it. Play to your strengths in a world that is so prompt to tell you your faults. Understand a compliment means something, take them with gratitude. And be the best you can be. It really isn't that hard once you realize it is just you being you.

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