Thursday, April 26, 2012

Things I wish I would have known

Today I started thinking about things I wish I would have known when I was younger, you know the things you look back on a laugh at. Like the bows I had to wear in my hair that matched my outfit, or the jean vest and Limited Too tanks. Best of all the many cheer routines I had to perform in public so everyone knew I was in fact a cheerleader (obviously the shirt, shorts, jacket, socks, bow and bracelet that said 'love too cheer' wasn't enough)... Sorry mom for so much embarrassment, if I was you I would have left me in a store on "accident."

But then I got to the point where it was things I truly wish I would have known. The things you can't take back now, and can't really laugh about. Here are a few I find pretty important:

1) High school ends
This may be an obvious statement, but high school ends, though when you are walking the halls wanting to be everything you don't get that. I was a cheerleader, captain to be exact, and when I tell people now they think I'm joking. Back then it was all I could do to be the cheerleader everyone knew, and when senior year drama (wont get into details just yet) got in my way it was all I could do to survive. So many times I can remember thinking my life was over. It sounds silly now, but when you are in high school the future is unclear, and you don't think there is anything outside those now such small walls. I wish kids would understand that this isn't it. There are such better things to come. 

2) Parents are great
I'm starting to see the a pattern here that all of my thoughts are pretty obvious. But this is something I just recently started understanding more. In grade school your parents are supposed to be your enemies, but as you get older you understand that isn't the case. When I first went away to college every time I came home it was lining up dinners and outings with friends. It wasn't until I got a big girl job and big girl responsibilities that I began to value the moments I had with my parents. Now seeing them is a treasure, and having to leave to meet up with friends is difficult. You really do learn over time just how much your family does for you. My mom and dad would give the world to see my succeed, and they do. Without them so many of my accomplishments would have been out of reach. It is the least I can do just to give them the little bit of time I have.

3) Dreams are great but work is better
As a child I wanted to be a singer. No, I was going to be a singer. It was a dream, and in it I can still see the innocence I once had. Dreams are great, they help you through life. They give you something to look forward too, and makes your every day life a little more exciting. But one day those dreams have to become reality or they have to be pushed aside. Eventually I got over wanting to be a singer, but I never got over dreaming. As college comes to an end and I start trying to find a job in the world of journalism I am starting to see that dreaming wont get me there. I can hope to be good, I can dream to be bold, but until I work hard enough to earn a spot I will not be what I want. It doesn't make sense to say there comes a time we must stop dreaming, but there is a time when reality takes priority. Except for my two story closet... That is plausible.

 4) Boys will be boys
I know everyone has heard this one! No doubt about it. I think many over look, including myself, that boys don't change. The atmosphere may, you meet them in clubs and not at football games, but you still meet them all the same. It is difficult to understand that college guys don't always want relationships... And by always I mean hardly ever. Don't be fooled by a guy sweet talking you over a drink, if you are walking home from their apartment in the morning you most likely wont be married in a few years. It isn't their fault really, guys think we understand and they don't think they are doing anything wrong. So don't do something you may regret.

5) Friends are hard to come by
In high school you have tons of friends. But you also don't pick them. Sure you have your close group of friends that you chose to do everything with. They are usually the ones that outlast them all. I had a wonderful group of friends in high school and I would still run to their side in a heart beat if they needed me. Though when you get out on your own you realize friends are different. You no longer have to like someone because they are in your class. But with this new found freedom you learn that it is hard to find friends you can truly trust in. Eventually you will, but it may take time. Kind of like dating, testing the waters and remembering there are some that will be there for you and some that just want you to be there for them. Finding friends is hard, but once you find the right ones keeping them should be easy. 

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